How To Read 100+ Books & Articles A Month: 20 Valuable Tips To Get You Started

So, you want to read more than 100 books in a month? Here are 20+ game-changing tips that will help you read lots of books and articles every month!
How to read 100 books a month scaled

Let me preface this article by quickly saying that I don’t engage in any arguments about the volume or quality of books as a measure of how well a reader has read. Period. 

This is primarily because I believe that a book is a book and it doesn’t have to be extra philosophical or extra poignant to make a point.

For many of us who are living and working in the adult world, it can be hard to engage with books because it always feels like there’s something very important to do.

The natural consequence of this is that we fall behind on our reading schedules and end up not reading at all for months.

In this post, I have listed several very effective ways to help you read 100 books a month. This might seem like a big number, but trust me when I say it is very achievable. I’ll tell you more about how I did this below.

And remember, as with everything, it’s important to keep an open mind and be ready to try things you haven’t tried before because that’s all there is to it.

I also want to mention quickly that while the title of this article is in reference to books, it generally pertains to anything you want to read. So whether it’s articles, short stories, or any form of written text, these techniques will totally work.

1. Plan your reading days ahead

If you want to read up to 100 books a month, then you need to dedicate whole days to reading. 

This ambitious goal means that you need to be extra dedicated. So setting aside 4 days a week to read all the texts you have shouldn’t be negotiable. 

2. Have concrete goals

This could mean having a goal to read at least 25 books every week or 25 articles every week. What matters is that you have a clear, achievable goal at every point in time, because this will help you stay on track.

Remember, while this article is specifically for readers who want to read 100 books or more every month, you have to set a personal goal that is achievable so you don’t end up overextending yourself.

Also, when making your goals, clarify the reason you are doing all this, because that moral conviction is what will invigorate you when you want to give up.

3. Switch your reading format

I am barely out of my 20s, and I can tell you for a fact that looking at text for a long period makes my eyes very tired. So I usually alternate with audio whenever I’m in this particular state.

When my eyes get tired while reading, I use Speechify, which is a text-to-audio software that you can download on either your laptop or your phone. 

Alternatively, if you don’t mind listening to your books, there are many different platforms you can try. You can experiment with listening to them on Spotify if you’re not ready to make a financial commitment, and if you are, there are platforms like Audible, Everand, and Kindle. 

The key is to switch between formats so you find yourself tackling different books or articles in a day, making it feel super easy because you can listen to the audiobook or the text-to-speech software while on the go.

This also extends to switching out full-length novels for novellas or adding some poems or short stories into the mix. What matters is that you always have something to read that will keep you engaged.

4. Join a reading challenge, or book group, or do a buddy read

As you go, you might find your initial zeal slowly waning. One thing that definitely keeps spirits up is being in a community that constantly motivates you. 

So when you join a reading challenge, a book group, or do a buddy read with different people, you have more motivation to stay committed because there are other variables in the mix.

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5. Use reading aids like summaries and more

While aiming to read 100 books or articles can be ambitious, it can hit a massive roadblock when the text you have to get through is especially complex.

In situations like this, go online or ask a friend for some type of summary of the entire text. Since this is a text you have to read, it will definitely support some elements that will catch your attention and ultimately make you want to read the actual text.

6. Practice active reading

Active reading, as differentiated from passive reading, is when you make notes or highlights as you read.

This will help you work your way through a text faster than your average speed because you are engaging with the passages more. It will also help you deepen your understanding and help you remember the details more.

7. Multitask while reading

The key to this is balancing a high-intensity activity like reading with a lower-intensity activity like watching a television program. 

I favour this method because it helps jog my brain while reading. If I have a momentary lapse of interest in one activity, perhaps the book, I can switch to the television and then come back, and so on. 

Before you know it, you’ve worked your way through several of your reading materials.

8. Try different genres or something totally different

I did something very bold when I wrote an examination two years ago, and to date, it’s one method I use whenever I realise I can no longer absorb any information into my brain.

I was reading an article on vicarious liability and realized that my brain had sort of shut down. It was as if every piece of information I read was just bouncing off. So I closed that and switched to a romance novel.

Now, I wouldn’t advise you to do this when reading an academic text before a deadline, but it definitely helped my brain open up. I decided to feed it a different type of information, and my curiosity was piqued. This spilt over when I went back to what I was initially reading.

So, if for example, you’re reading a medical text and find your brain isn’t absorbing it well and you have enough time, try reading a fictional work. Pick up something different from what you’re reading.

This applies even when you’re already reading a fictional work. If you have a deadline to read a certain number of romantic books and realize you can no longer absorb what you’re reading, switching to a cosy mystery or some other genre that is tangentially opposite to what you’re reading can make a big difference.

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9. Keep a visible tracker of how many books or articles you’ve read or plan to read

Keeping track of the books or articles you have read, more than you plan to read, is very important because it helps you properly visualize your goal and see how much progress you are making. 

This will then inform any changes to your reading strategy, and it’s a big morale boost no matter how you look at it.

You can use apps like Goodreads, Literal, or StoryGraph to track your reading progress and even connect with other like-minded book lovers.

10. Try reading for short bursts of time

One of the biggest issues many readers face while trying to meet their reading goals is that there simply is never enough time to read. 

And one thing I’ll tell you is that if you struggle with this, you want to try to schedule short bursts of time where you can remain immersed in a story.

This is especially effective if you’re someone who struggles with keeping your concentration. Just set aside perhaps five minutes every hour or 30 minutes every few hours to read anything at all, and I promise you will fly through your reading material at the speed of light.

When you can split your reading time into manageable chunks, you’ll see that your retention rate is much higher and your reading speed significantly increases.

11. Reward yourself whenever you achieve your goals

There’s no better feeling than being rewarded, and it’s even better when you have a very legitimate reason to treat yourself.

Remember, as I said earlier, that you should have daily, weekly, or monthly reading goals. When you do succeed in meeting these goals, you need to reward yourself because that triggers your subconscious to know that there is a reward for reading more.

12. Create themed reading lists

This particular advice might be a little unconventional, but it is something that has worked for me time and time again whenever I had very ambitious reading goals, so I think it will also work for you.

I am a mood reader through and through, so there are long periods when I only want to read a particular trope or a specific genre. What helps me at these points is to create a special TBR (To Be Read) list that includes only books in my preferred genre. Then I just pick a random one from the list and keep on reading.

If you are reading an academic text and perhaps for a paper, you want to group whatever you’re doing into several categories. There might be times when you’re not in the mood to read a particular element, and then you can switch it out and read something else.

You could switch up the theme every day or every week, but what’s important is that at every point in time, you are reading what your heart wants to read. Because when you force yourself to read something, your retention rate at that point is going to be incredibly low, your engagement with the book will be low, and consequently, you are going to be very slow.

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13. Make reading a daily routine

It goes without saying that if you want to conquer your reading goals, you need to have a type of schedule. I talked about this earlier, but right now, what I’m talking about is that you should make it a daily habit, especially if you are looking to finish 100 books in a month.

You could plan it in a way that the first thing you do in the morning when you wake up is to reach for a book. So you know already that you have to wake up early so that you don’t disturb your daily schedule. Or you could do it in a way that the last thing you do before bed is read, and then you just block out 5 hours before bed to be immersed in your books.

In time, your body will get used to this routine, and it will become second nature to you. You’ll find out you will complete and achieve your reading goal for that month very quickly.

14. Create the best reading environment

Whenever I am reading, I like to recline on a sofa or lie down in bed. To be totally comfortable, I need the bed to be well-made, the room arranged, and the curtains closed so that the room is dark.

Perhaps you like reading in a sunny environment, so you’re going to want to make your reading nook somewhere that the light touches. Or if you’re like me and you know you’ll feel more relaxed while lying on your bed, you can set the mood by doing anything that makes you feel completely relaxed.

As I said earlier, whenever you’re uncomfortable or whenever you have to force yourself to read because you’re not feeling it at that moment, the retention is low, your engagement with the story is low, and you might even zone out.

15. Read in public (if you can)

This is yet another unconventional way of reading that not a lot of people recommend, but I had to do this at one point in my life. I found that reading in public has many benefits.

For context, “public” could be a library, a park, a hospital, or anywhere that isn’t your house or anywhere you’re very comfortable.

I know you’re probably wondering why I would advise that you get as comfortable as possible on one hand, and on the other hand, suggest going out of your comfort zone. But the truth is that I learn and I sometimes become more engaged by being around people while reading. I can tune into the story even better.

I’m sure some scientist somewhere has probably explained this way better than I ever could, but the bottom line is that sometimes reading in public and people-watching while making your way through text will stimulate your brain so that you don’t feel drowsy.

16. Turn up the speed gradually

When I started listening to audiobooks, I found that the natural 1.0x speed of the audiobook, while interesting, used to feel a little slow. So I increased the speed, and I did this in small increments. I settled at 2.0x for a while.

Right now, I listen to books on 3.0x, and I love it. You can make your way through a text three times faster without sacrificing comprehension or enjoyment.

If you are using an audiobook provider like Everand or Audible, or a TTS (Text-to-Speech) software like Speechify, experiment with different speeds while listening. You might find that a higher speed will make your brain work faster and dispel any thoughts of sleepiness.

17. Make a list of the most important books or articles you need to read

This is one of the most important tips, and I do not know why I haven’t mentioned it since. It’s important for helping you read more than 100 books or textbooks in a month.

The gist of this is that you have to make a list of the most important books you have to read. Perhaps these are the ones that have been flagged by other readers or recommended by your teacher or tutor. Make the list right there and then put them on a high-priority list.

Then, your next course of action is to simply make your way through the list slowly and gradually. Mix them up with other low-priority papers or books, which you should have created in another list.

18. Take breaks to recenter yourself while reading

Try as you might, there’s only so much you can do, and there’s every possibility that while reading, your mind might wander to different places.

In a situation like this, your first point of call should be to take a deep breath and recenter yourself. Get reacquainted with your environment, push yourself away from your book for a short moment, and breathe deeply.  

19. Stay hydrated and eat healthy

This might sound counterintuitive considering the amount of text you have to work through, but the truth is, unless you are in the right frame of mind, you won’t be able to make much meaningful progress.

So, prioritising self-care by taking breaks, drinking enough water or any other type of liquid, and eating healthily will help you stay rejuvenated. There will be a lesser chance of you getting burnt out.

20. Don’t be afraid to abandon a book

If you find yourself struggling to get through a book or an article and it starts feeling like a chore, don’t be afraid to put it down. 

Life is too short to spend time on books that don’t resonate with you, and you have the freedom to simply move on to something else that interests you.

21. Make use of downtime

We all have those moments of waiting – waiting for appointments, commuting, or even standing in line. 

Instead of scrolling through your phone, use this time to read. Carry a book or use reading apps on your phone so you always have something to dive into during these moments.

22. Acknowledge your growth and refine your technique

Finally, you have given your all to make sure you can get through the texts and you’ve employed several methods to help you do this. What crowns your efforts is when you are able to acknowledge the progress you’ve made.

Remember what I said earlier about keeping track of the text to see how far you’ve come? It’s also very important that you recognize moments of lapses and figure out what triggers make you lose your concentration so that you can make the best use of your time in the future.

Reading 100 books a month might sound and feel like an insurmountable task but if you are willing to give yourself a chance, trust me when I say it isn’t that impossible.

I post even more bookish content on the blog so make sure you check those out and I’m sure that you’re going to find something that you will love. 


Hi! I'm Preye ("pre" as in "prepare" and "ye" as in "Kanye"), and I am a lifelong book lover who enjoys talking about books and sharing bits and pieces of all the fascinating things I come across. I love books so much that I decided to become a developmental editor, and right now, I work with authors to help them tell their stories better. On this blog, I share everything from book recommendations to book reviews and writing tips, so feel free to stop by anytime you like!

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