7 Arranged Marriage Mafia Books With Romance That’ll Make You Breathless

Mafia arranged romance books to read scaled

Do you love mafia romance novels? I do and you guys, there’s nothing sweeter than when both parties are pushed into the situation because they were forced to get married.

This marriage could have been brokered by the parents or they were boxed into a corner, but either way, these two have their marriage contracted by some other parties and they go with it (reluctantly or otherwise). 

1. The Sweetest Oblivion by Danielle Lori

The Sweetest Oblivion

In this mafia romance, Elena nicknamed Sweet Abelli, is thrust into the dark underworld when her sister is arranged to marry Nicolas Russo and she steps in instead.

Despite her initial aversion, Elena finds herself drawn to his rough edges and soon she falls for every single part of him.

2. Brutal Vows by J.T. Geissinger

Brutal Vows

Reyna, an Italian mafia princess, is forced into an arranged marriage with Irish mobster Spider in this book.

And as they navigate their tumultuous relationship, Reyna struggles with her loyalty to her family and her growing feelings for Spider, who is torn between his contractual obligations and his unexpected desire for Reyna.

3. Mafia King by L. Steele

Mafia king

Michael Byron Domenico Sovrano, a powerful mafia lord, claims our girl as payment for her father’s debt, and he slowly falls for her as she tries to resist his dominance at every turn.

This is another fantastic arranged marriage mafia romance that hit all the right notes and I totally enjoyed every minute of it. 

4. Killers & Monsters by Clio Evans

Killers and monsters

Killers & Monsters by Clio Evans combines dragon, princess, and knight vibes. 

This time around, our girl discovers her true identity as the daughter of a god and this leads to a complex dynamic involving a dragon, a knight, and an arranged marriage.

5. Silent Vows by Jill Ramsower

Silent vows

Noemi is forced into an arranged marriage with Irishman Conner Reid.

And as she grapples with conflicting emotions, danger looms, and Conner becomes a potential saviour in this enemies-to-lovers dark romance about an arranged marriage.

6. The Marriage Contract by Katee Robert

The Marriage Contract

Teague O’Malley reluctantly agrees to an arranged marriage with Callista Sheridan, but their growing connection is tested as secrets emerge.

7. Because I Need You by Claire Contreras

Because I Need You

This book follows the forced union between Isabella and Giovanni Masseria who must try to find their happiness in an unfamiliar territory.

These arranged marriage mafia romance books are the sweetest things and I just know you’re going to love each of them – let me know which ones you’ll check out.

And the related posts are chockful of so many other books you’re going to 100% love. 


Hi! I'm Preye ("pre" as in "prepare" and "ye" as in "Kanye"), and I am a lifelong book lover who enjoys talking about books and sharing bits and pieces of all the fascinating things I come across. I love books so much that I decided to become a developmental editor, and right now, I work with authors to help them tell their stories better. On this blog, I share everything from book recommendations to book reviews and writing tips, so feel free to stop by anytime you like!

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